Maroon Sequined Chiffon Wrap

Best Seller19%
Kategori: | Dilihat: 166 Kali
Harga: Rp 105.000 Rp 130.000
Kode Produk: CHIFFON01

Stok: 54

Berat: 0.3 Kg

Sejak: 11-07-2024

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Modest Islamic Fashion is incomplete without the inclusion of fashionable hijabs. Now try various hijab styles with this Mroon Sequined Chiffon Wrap. With this hijab, incorporate lush colors into your modest style. Manufactured from quality chiffon in vivid shades, this piece is a showstopper among the rectangular wraps this Fall-Winter! Buy this Maroon Sequined Chiffon Wrap to fill in the missing pieces in your Islamic Style. Express your chic modest fashion sense on Muslim fashion’s leading address

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